Smart Calling Part Three: Time
Time is a valuable thing. That is a big thing to keep in mind when making sales calls. I’m talking about the prospect’s time not your own; it’s important to use the time you have on the phone with them efficiently to find out if what you’re offering is even useful to them in the first place. In addition, it makes people less interested in talking to you if you clearly don’t care about their time. Not a good thing for a salesman, since your job is essentially based on talking.
Even before reading this book, other people’s time was something I have always tried not to waste. I don’t enjoy when other people waste mine, so I certainly don’t want to waste theirs! I guess you could say it’s my own version of the golden rule. People can sense when you’re concerned about their time, and they appreciate it. Time is the only currency that we have a fixed amount of, so it’s arguably the most valuable one of all.
In regards to time, I’m going to wrap up today’s post here. I’ll leave you with this, “treat other’s time as you would have them treat yours.”