Analogy Avenue: The Tuneup


Learning is like getting an upgrade on your car. It allows you to tackle problems more efficiently and “speed” towards success. That’s why tuneups are so important in life. You want your car to run as smoothly as possible, and the best way to do that is by learning ways to overcome new obstacles.

Now the difference between an upgrade and tuning your car is that an upgrade is useless if it is not dialed in correctly. If you install a turbo on your hypothetical vehicle, but fail to tune it in, it will likely overload the engine and cause even more problems in the future. So an upgrade (a turbo, exhaust, intake) in this analogy is like learning a lot in a relatively short period. Things like taking a class, or going to a workshop. A tuneup is learning how to apply that information. If you don’t learn to apply what you learn in a class, for example, you will likely forget the information and have to learn it again or even apply it incorrectly (with potentially catastrophic side effects).

Learning to apply what you’ve learned takes time and practice. You have to learn how it ties into your daily interactions. Once you’ve mastered application, then you’re ready to rumble!

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