Analogy Avenue: The Highway of Life


Imagine this. We are all cars on the road of life. This road has many twists and turns, sometimes it’s a highway and sometimes it’s a dark, spooky back road. This series is the result of many hours of driving and contemplation, usually with a destination in mind and occasionally just to enjoy the open road.

Let’s start with something simple. For the majority of our lives, we are surrounded by loved ones, all going in the same direction down the highway of life. Even when we take different exits, there’s always a chance we find each other a few miles down the road. However, there will always be those times when you feel alone like you’re traveling down some long forgotten dirt road. Those are the times we really have to make sure we take care of our vehicles and supply ourselves with the proper fuel and maintenance (a lot of times self administered maintenance). Taking care of ourselves when we feel alone is important because if we break down in those moments, it may be a while before someone else comes along to help with repairs and get us back on the road (keep in mind this metaphor is not perfect, but I’m following the car theme here).

We’re back on the highway now. Our friends are driving along beside us and we’re having a great time. But there comes a time when those paths split and we all take different exits. This is never a fun time, but having gone through a time like this recently, it will get easier. The empty car seats beside you will soon be filled by new friends. The scenery will change from a rainy journey down the interstate to a warm, sunny cruise through a breathtaking new place.

I leave you with a quote from Peter Sheppard Skaerved. “Find happiness by enjoying the journey, not awaiting the destination.” Words to live by, and extremely fitting for this metaphor I think!

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