Day 26: Milestones Part Two


A little over two weeks ago, I wrote a post about milestones. And over the past few days, I realized that there is another aspect to what I talked about. Each milestone we reach changes our lives after that point. But what I realized is once we reach a milestone, even if we loved our life the way it was before, it's impossible (or at least highly difficult) for our old life to feel "normal" again. For example, I've been trying to get used to being without a car and I keep feeling like something is missing or not right.

I like to think that this is God's way of making sure we don't revert to our old selves after experiencing growth. He wants us to constantly be growing and moving forward in our lives, so He made it so it feels strange to move backward or stagnate. And I'm glad he did! Life gets boring and stale when I stop growing, so I like to know that God put a failsafe together that motivates us to grow. It's a nice feeling to know that weird feeling is just a side effect of stagnation. Now I know what enemy is. That feeling that comes with languishing. I think I'll call it the Lax Leviathan, or "Laxy" for short. See you around Laxy. I'll be ready for you next time I see you.

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