What I’ve Learned About Myself: The Big Move

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Some people live in the same town or area for their entire lives, some people live in many different places over the course of their lives. I used to be one of the former. Around this time last year, that all changed.

My parents called me into another room and told me we were moving. I felt like I’d been hit by a bus. I was already feeling the pressure that comes with trying to prepare for a long distance relationship, because I was getting ready to go to college that fall. Now that pressure doubled because I’d essentially have to choose who to visit on breaks. On top of all that, I still wasn’t sure if college was the right decision for me.

Let’s do some math… stress from starting college in a place you’ve barely been to before, plus stress from starting a long distance relationship, plus the obvious stress that comes from moving equals… well, a very stressed out college freshman.

But looking back on it, I can’t imagine things working out any better than they did. My college experience (although short) garnered me some of the closest, and best, friends I’ve ever had. The relationship ended, which hurt for a while, but honestly it was a very one-sided unhealthy relationship for me. And the move. The Big Move. To another state no less. It had been a long time since my family had moved, so we were all pretty nervous/scared/stressed about it. But now we live in a much nicer neighborhood, we’re starting to build up our communities of friends again, and man let me tell you about the HOUSE. My dad (and partly the rest of us) put a lot of work into it, but now it’s easily the nicest house we’ve ever owned.

I’m getting sidetracked though. This is about what I’ve learned. Short answer? Moving isn’t nearly as bad as we make it out to be. Long answer? Every day you’re given is yours to decide what to do with. You can choose to let the stress overwhelm you and push you down, or you can choose to overcome that stress and rise to the occasion. I’ve gotten much better at the latter over the past couple months.

Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed keep an eye out for the next parts of this series coming out later this week!

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