Day 8: The Key to Conflict


Today I was helping my grandfather with some things that needed to be done in a fairly tight timeframe. He got a bit overwhelmed and confused, so he lashed out in frustration a little bit. Conflicts like these happen all the time in many different situations. When life gets overwhelming, it's easy to lash out or get angry even at someone even if they are just trying to help. I don't hold that against him at all, it's just a story that I got a little inspiration from.

The key to conflict is not dwelling on it; you have to move on and tackle the next challenge or else it will just add to your frustrations. In my story from today, my grandfather knew I was simply trying to help (and he quickly apologized), the weight of what had to be done simply got the best of him and he resorted to a primal instinct. The natural thing to do when you feel backed into a corner is to fight your way out of it. People don't like to be "cramped" but prefer to have a bit of wiggle room when making decisions, and they will fight for that ability even if it means doing something they normally wouldn't (such as my grandfather getting angry). 

Too many people let conflicts and arguments get under their skin when the reality is it just adds more stress to life. In fact, it seems like a lot of people feel like their lives are too boring for anyone to care so they hold on to situations like these to have something interesting to talk about (or rather complain about). I chuckled a little bit writing that sentence because I'm doing just that right now, but I feel like this is a different circumstance. I'm sharing this story to point out an issue that I feel many people struggle with, and offer a solution. And that solution is to let it go. Be the bigger person and move forward with your life. Don't let strife drag you down, use it to make yourself stronger and more equipped to face similar circumstances in the future.

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