Day 5: Have Courage
I was driving from my old house to my new house today and saw something that caught my attention. Some divinely inspired human being made a sign in the fence of an overpass by putting cups in the holes. They spelled out "HAVE COURAGE." I don't know who did that or why, but I can tell you one thing for sure is that I needed to see it.
Strength in the face of pain or grief. That's my favorite definition of the word courage. And heaven knows there's a lot of pain in this world. I've dealt with a lot of both pain and grief in the past two or three years. I lost two grandparents and had a few bouts with heartache as well. But I have to keep my chin up and keep moving forward. Have courage. Because throwing a pity party never helped anyone succeed. That sign reminded me of that.
So thank you whoever did that, you inspired me and I hope you inspired many others as well.