Day 4: Perseverance
No one gets it right the first time. We're all human, which means we make mistakes. The thing that sets you apart is perseverance. Steve Jobs didn't sit down in his garage one day and build a computer. Thomas Edison didn't wake up one morning and just know how to make a light bulb. And I'm sure the cavemen tried a few different shapes before the wheel was invented. But they all kept trying until it worked. They gave themselves second chances, and thirds, and fourths and so on.
I ran on a cross country team in high school. The first practice I ran a mile with the rest of the team. Never ran that far before and didn't really know what I was doing. But I made it. And proceeded to collapse on the ground until the coach made me walk it off so I didn't cramp. I didn't let that pain stop me though. I pushed myself to run further and to learn how to breath correctly. I mapped a course out in my neighborhood so I could still run a mile when we didn't have practice. At the end of the year I entered my first 5k... And placed second in my age group!
I haven't run in a while and some days I miss it, but that experience gave me something that I will have for the rest of my life. A personal understanding that perseverance pays. If you want something you have to work for it, because nothing in life is free. Plus, it's a whole lot more satisfying when you work your ass off to reach a goal than it is to just have something fall into your lap.