Day 23: Disaster Strikes


This weekend I decided to drive to Rome to visit my friends from school. It’s about a 7 hour drive from my grandfathers house (where I spent the week). I got about two and a half hours away from my destination and my clutch blew... Roght now it’s hard to see what good can come out of this situation, but I’m sure there’s a lesson from God here somewhere. 

In fact, I can think of one thing I learned so far. Things do not always go to plan. Another thing I learned is how to drive a car without the clutch! I guess that’s useful to know if I run into this problem again in the future (hopefully I never do, but it’s a good skill to have I guess). 

Right now I’m just trying to remind myself of what I wrote yesterday, since I’m being a little hard on my imperfect self. Please keep me in your prayers this weekend as I try to figure out a solution with my dad.

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