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Day 15: This Is Why

So, today I had a really good conversation with my dad about my beliefs and we talked about some pretty interesting points. Keep in mind these points are not just me copying what my father believes, but they are things that I believe personally and he helped me put them into words.

The first is that I don't know everything. I freely admit that, and I also admit that I never will. I think anyone who claims the opposite is a fool and anyone who acts like they know everything is a fraud. One of the reasons life is so interesting is the fact that we learn new things every day. A day without learning feels empty when it comes to a close. So if I'm honest that makes me glad that I don't know everything. It'd be boring if I did!

The second point is that I don't need to have an answer ready for every question I may face. What I do need is the guts to say that I don't have an answer, and to not stop there but instead search until I find the answer. Because in the end, knowing the answer to the question isn't what's important. Having the drive to find the answer to a question that has me stumped is far more important. 

Finally, I believe that arguing with someone does not help them understand where you stand. In fact, it has the opposite effect. When you take an argumentative stance with someone all it does is make them feel the need to defend themselves that much more. As my dad put it, "you can't argue someone into Heaven, but you can love them to Heaven." What he meant was that the only way to truly show someone the way to Heaven (which is what I believe in) is to SHOW them. You have to be a light and let them see for themselves how you are different and decide for themselves that they want what you have. Only then can you show them the way. If anything arguing only tells them that Christians are aggressive and pushy and all the things that we're not supposed to be.

I don't think that this conversation is over between me and my dad, in fact I enjoyed it a good deal so I think I'll keep up a running narrative with him on the subject. I value his input and I look forward to hearing more from him. I'll be sure to fill you guys in along the way as well :)